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One Year Portraits | Tompkinsville, Kentucky

I met Coleson nine months ago, right when he was three months old (read that blog here). He was such an adorable baby. Grinning at his mama. Giggling every time she pretended to sneeze. I didn’t think he could get any cuter. But I was totally wrong. You will see when you look at the photos of his one year session.

Waving hello at his one year session

Looking adorable as a country boy in his jean overalls, he kept waving at us and soaking up all the attention. Then he would get distracted by all the incredible props his mama chose for his one year session.

sitting and standing portraits

He’s growing up so fast! Able to balance himself in a little chair. Standing on his own. And do you see those four front teeth? How cute is he?! With his little head tilt like he was meant to take photos for a living.

getting distracted with lots of props
looking at old farm stuff during his portraits

He was just as fascinated with the cowbell now as he was at his six month photos. But this time, all we had to do was call his name and he would look at us with those beautiful blue eyes and give us a smile.

taking pics with pumpkins during his one year portraits

Even without a smile, so cute! I mean, just look at those bright blue eyes! He’s a heartbreaker already! He has definitely captured the heart of everyone who knows him. And do you blame them? But if you thought he was cute with those little overalls, just wait! In between outfits he got a little taste of “freedom” and he was ecstatic!

so happy to be free of clothes

I mean, there really are no words for this part of the session. Just love. And joy. And innocence.

baby boy au natural

He knew he was cute, too! That look of determination as he is getting up off the chair. Trying to see if our cameras were fast enough to catch him before he stood up. We won this little game. Got some pretty adorable shots of him along the way.

baby with hands in mouth for one year portraits

Then it was time for his little man outfit. Brown tweed overalls. Perfect for autumn! This was the point of the session where the hands kept going in the mouth. But that was ok with us. Every little thing he does is priceless. And do you ever wonder what babies are thinking? Like in the next photo as he smiles down at his feet. What goes on in that cute little head of his?

baby portraits in the grass

Is he thinking sweet little thoughts? Or is he planning his next move? Time will tell… But one thing’s for sure…he’s cute whatever he’s doing.

baby contemplating his next move
one year session with baby sitting in the grass

There it is! That sneaky little smile! Like he’s up to something. But he didn’t get away with anything. Because we captured all the cuteness. There were plenty more of those little grins to come.

one year session. where does time go?

Especially when we gave him a pumpkin. Look at that pose. Anyone with a one year old knows you can’t really pose them. Because they do what they want. And even with that, he still got poses down like he was a senior already. Stop growing up so fast!

Though I didn’t even mention the feet yet! No matter what he was wearing or what he was doing, he always had to sneak a foot up in the air. It was hilarious! Yes, Coleson, we see your feet!

sitting on a chair with his feet on a pumpkin

I never was one to think babies should get into modeling. But this little guy may just change my mind. What a natural! He made our job so easy! Now time for the last outfit. And look at that sweet face! Don’t you just want to kiss his cheeks?!

this guy had so many expressions during his one year session

Just like this sign quoting Psalm 91:11, this little guy has a lot of ones looking over him to make sure he is safe, secure and happy.

baby touching a precious sign

And finally, we leave you with these last few photos. Coleson says “Yes, I’m one! I have a mommy and daddy who love me very much. I am surrounded by family and friends. Life is good!”

one year session of very excited baby

Keep smiling, Coleson. One year down, but many, many more to go! I can’t wait to see what the next year brings for you.

Love, Kevin and Reneé

PS If you have a baby at home, squeeze them tight! They grow up before our eyes. Let them know they’re loved.


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