We have been following Jackson Health and Wellness on social media (follow them on Instagram here) for awhile now and felt like the owner, Britney Jackson, a nurse practitioner, was a longtime friend even though we had never met in person. Her reels have cracked us up! Our friends who go to her practice have all talked about what an amazing nurse she is and how much she listens to her patients and truly cares about them. So when we finally got to meet, I felt like I already knew her. But getting to hear her answers to our branding photography questions endeared her to me even more. She is just as fun in person as she is online!

So many times in health care, you can feel like just a number. So it was refreshing when Britney said she started her own nurse practitioner clinic because she wanted to listen to her patients as individuals. She gets to know them and what they need. And she especially tries to help the busy mom. As a working mom herself, she knows how hectic life can get. So she even adjusted her hours to be open later one day a week to cater to these amazing women who are working so hard to care for their families. She wants them to know that she sees them and wants to help them to take the time for themselves as well. They deserve it!

When photo shoot day rolled around, we got to meet the rest of the “family”. One thing we loved was seeing that she gets to work with her own mom, who is definitely a sweetheart. How cool is it to get to work with your mom?! To be able to talk and joke around but also have someone there who just GETS you… I told them I was pretty envious since my mom lives three states away. But I am also super happy for them!

Lori is the receptionist at Jackson Health. This sweet smile is the first thing that greets you when you walk in the door and that sets the tone. Anyone you see for the rest of your visit is also going to make you feel just as welcome.

We made sure to get a few group shots of all of them to update their website, to share on social media and have something nice to put on the wall in their lobby. We were able to get some all serious and professional, but then the laughter came out. It’s so nice to see ones who truly enjoy the company of their coworkers.

There are a few new things coming to Jackson Health and Wellness soon (stay tuned!!!), so we did some confetti photos for future announcements and celebrations. To say those were a big hit is an understatement. The jokes that flowed and the huge smiles, we felt like we were celebrating right along with them!

And they have so much to celebrate! They’ve added several aesthetics to their practice. From Botox to lip filler and laser hair removal to therapeutic temperature treatments.

Jackson Health and Wellness also has their own line of skin care products, which are amazing! For ones who truly want to keep their skin healthy and looking young, there is so much available here. From daily care to sun protection and even serum to promote collagen production.

These are not just products sitting on a shelf waiting to be sold. As a nurse practitioner, Britney takes great pride in helping ones become the best versions of themselves and to take care of the skin they are in. Aesthetics consults along with skin care recommendations are a daily part of her nurse practitioner schedule.

We got a hint that she might just like her job a little too much, but there’s no such thing as too much fun, right? I mean, who wouldn’t want to enjoy a trip to their health care or aesthetics provider? We can pretty much guarantee if someone chooses this place, that’s exactly what will happen.

And sometimes you even get to put on really cool glasses. With her black scrubs and special glasses for laser treatments, I couldn’t help but think of the Men in Black quote. “You want to know the difference between you and me? I make this look good!” Haha. Yes, Britney, you do!

One final thing I really enjoyed about our branding photography shoot is that I was able to see a child interact with the staff here. One notable quality about kids is their honesty. You don’t have to wonder what they’re thinking. Good or bad, they let you know. And they have an incredible ability to read people. They can usually tell who they should trust and who they shouldn’t. And they know right away if they like you or not.
Our adorable model hit it off with the Jackson Wellness nurses like she’s been coming here her whole life. The stories poured out. And the nurses genuinely listened and responded. What a fun experience! And Kevin and I could tell this wasn’t an act that was put on for the camera. You can’t fake truly caring about someone. And we were able to see that. And so was our little patient. We even got to hear who Britney’s favorite princess is. What little girl doesn’t want to talk about princesses?

Speaking of princesses, if you’re really good on your visit, you may just get an Elsa, Sleeping Beauty or Ariel sticker! Or a variety of other stickers if princesses aren’t quite your thing. I love seeing kids get these little surprises! We’re thrilled we got a chance to meet these wonderful people at Jackson Health and Wellness. We both had a very joyful day with lots of laughs. This was an experience we won’t soon forget. Thank you Britney and the rest of your staff for allowing us this privilege! We know you are going to help so many in your community to feel better and look their best!
Kevin and Reneé