Have you taken all the courses, learned all the things....and still feel like it just isn't happening for you? Do you still have question after question? Would you like access to a person who can answer your questions instead of just another course?
We've been where you are! We learned all the things but business seemed to be taking off slowly. But each season taught us something valuable and we would love to share that information with you!
Whether you're trying to figure out your camera or you need help learning photoshop or you just want to understand how to get clients in the first place, we got you!
We have everything from free resources to paid mentorships and lots in-between!
the details
3 Changes You Need to Make Today to Start Earning More Money in Less Time!
We all start somewhere. But many of us also make the same mistakes along the way. Learn what's true now so you can advance faster than most.
Have you figured out what to charge clients? Is it based on your costs or on what other photographers charge? Get this eye-opening free guide to finally have the confidence to increase your prices.
montgomery, alabama
abby k
“There were times where I would look up at least ten different videos on YouTube and couldn’t figure out how to do something. I would send a quick message to Renee and she would explain it to me in five minutes and it would make perfect sense!
Do you want to learn from another photographer but are sick of always having to stare at a computer to learn? Are you more of a hands-on learner? Do you want to be able to let someone else to see you in action and be able to make corrections in real time?
Do you enjoy having a photography community? Do you want to talk to someone else who "gets you"?
Inquire today. We'll go over what you would like to accomplish with a mentorship. And you'll be well on your way to making this your best year yet!
Do you just wish you had someone to talk to that can give you answers to your questions directly? Have you reached out to other photographers, only to have them ghost you?
Or do you need someone to guide you through all the things you already know but don't know how to apply? Maybe you just need someone to guide you to having enough faith in yourself to go after what you really want.
Do you know the basics but have specific questions about other parts of photography or business? I would love to help!
Fill out the inquiry form and we will customize a coaching session just for you!
COACHING FOR photographers
Regardless of the season that you're in, everyone could use a little guidance on their journey.
Absolutely! Our sessions are customized to what YOU need. If you only need one coaching session, that's 100% ok with us! If you have all the knowledge you need but just need a little help with implementation, or you just need to fill in the blanks after an online course you took...or you just love learning tips to streamline your business, we are here for it! You don't always need a whole course to answer the few questions you have. Sometimes an hour or two is all it takes to get pumped and ready to move to the next level!
We are able to give business advice and help with a few social media and website tips and tricks. But we our niche is for photographers. If you would like to follow our social media and our YouTube channel, you may learn things you can apply in your own business. But we don't offer coaching at this point for non-photography businesses. If you hire us for a branding session, however, we are able to help you with things like identifying your ideal client and narrowing down your branding so everything is cohesive on your social media and website.
What if I'm not a photographer?
We have a few openings each month. Depending on how quickly the slots have filled up for this month, we could start as early as next week. We need at least a week's time to prepare so we can have you fill out a questionnaire of what you would like to learn. Then we can get started preparing a curriculum that fits your particular needs. If you want an extensive coaching program, we can still start soon, but we will need to set up each session you would like. Otherwise, they are first come, first served.
When can we begin coaching?
We understand that everyone is on their own journey and some need more guidance than others. Our first step is to chat and see where you are on your journey. You may not need as much as you thought you did.
If you do, however, we may recommend a few educational tools for you to begin with before we start our sessions so you can get the most for your money. If at that point, you still want months of coaching, we will work out a customized plan for you to save both time and money.
what if i need several months of coaching?
When we coach you, you have access to us through email at any time until our work together is done. We get back to emails within 24-48 business hours.
If you want access for quicker answers, we do offer higher packages that allow for Voxer and Facebook messaging. Contact us and let us know what your needs are and what your budget is. We are happy to accommodate anything that fits into our schedule.
Can I reach out to you in between sessions?
For investment details and availability, please send a message via the form below. Two hour online coaching sessions typically begin at $300 a session.