As I take portraits of momma’s little man, I think about what led to this moment. Just a little over one year ago, Cassie married Blake. They moved into a new house and started immediately making it into a home. The kind of home they could raise a family in.

They decided to start a family right away and three months ago, their little bundle of joy arrived. Momma’s little man. He looked JUST like his daddy. Just like the man his mother fell in love with. Now she had a new man in her life and she loved him more than she thought was possible. He lives just a few doors down from us, but with the pandemic, I had to hold myself back from going to meet this sweet little man that has the best expressions. I have lived vicariously through all the Facebook posts. But yesterday, I finally got to meet him! And he didn’t disappoint. Even though I was talking to him through my mask, he was all smiles. I was afraid the smiles would run out before we got to the session. But not little Coleson. He has smiles for days!

How can you not fall in love with this face? His eyes are SO bright! No wonder his mommy is so in love with him!

But the feeling is definitely mutual! Look at the way he looks up at his mommy! He is so in love! She admires his little toes. And how can you resist? Baby piggies just beg to be played with. But his feet are so ticklish, even if you want to touch them, if the urge overtakes you, his feet flail around and a big smile crosses his face.

Speaking of tickled, he just got so tickled that he was the center of attention. His little hands and feet were moving a mile a minute. So full of life! So full of joy! You can’t help but grin when you see momma’s little man, whether in person or in a photo.

Momma’s Little Man in Her Arms
Most of the time, his eyes were fixed on his mommy, but it was like he instinctively knew he should be looking right at the camera. He has already had his photographs taken a couple times professionally. And his mommy has the goal of taking a photograph of him every day so she can remember not just the big moments, but all the little ones that go by so quickly. Reminds me of my favorite quote from Hitch which has hung on our wall since our honeymoon “Life isn’t measured by the breaths you take but by the moments that take your breath away.” When you get to experience the miracle of a new life, every moment is breathtaking.

Just getting to hold the hand of someone you love is something not to be taken for granted. If 2020 taught us anything, it’s to count the blessings of what we have right in front of us, to cherish every moment we have with those we love.
Good Night, Little Man

This little guy got all tuckered out from smiling so much. He fell asleep in the comfort of his mother’s arms and lay peacefully for this beautiful moment, perfectly framing his head for his close-up. Oh for the days of innocence without a care in the world!

I’ve been told since I was little to count my blessings. And if you are married to your best friend and have a healthy, happy baby, I’d say that is a lot to be thankful for! Here’s a reminder to tell those that you love how much they mean to you. Hold their hand. Give them a hug. And do all the little things that show them what they mean to you.
Love, Kevin and Reneé