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Farmhouse Family Portraits | Russellville, KY

We love being out in the country. Especially the long dirt roads where there’s not a neighbor in sight. Add a pond and whole field of clover, we’re pretty much in paradise. So when we got the chance to photograph a family at just such a spot, we were thrilled. They had just built a farmhouse in a secluded area in Southern Kentucky. A place where their children could let their imaginations run wild. A place they could explore all that nature had to offer.

When we pulled up, we heard a chorus of children’s voices all taking their turns shouting a gleeful “good morning!” Even though there were only three children currently outside, I believe we heard that about twelve times. If that doesn’t start your day out with a smile, I don’t know what will! And what were they doing? Collecting bugs! I’m a country girl through and through so I was excited to see what they found.

Once we made all our introductions and talked to the kids about their favorite things (am I the only one that had no idea there’s a red Hulk?!), we started the photo session. First up was the two boys with their nanny. She was so good with them and it was a great way to break the ice.

Now you can see what I meant by such a serene setting. And look at that baby’s hair! I was absolutely in love with it! He looks like such a little doll and was very sweet. They were both happy to give high fives and fist bumps after every great picture they took! Then we found out the clover field had just been mowed and it was suggested for a photo location. So we headed on over and the field didn’t disappoint.

The youngest needed a little break, so we started with a photo of his cousins. Getting a great smile from all three of them was pretty much effortless right off the bat. I have a feeling they have done this many times before. Then we thought it would help to be able to just walk around for a bit, so they reached out for their cousins and all took a stroll through the beautiful clover.

We had been told that the two three year olds were best friends. They did everything together, including recently starting flag football. We had hoped to capture them together and see the love they had for each other. Getting two three year old boys to stand still isn’t always the easiest, but even in motion, these kiddos are super adorable!

How cute are they?! We were hoping to get individuals of everyone here, but that would come later. I loved watching the oldest cousin trying to keep the baby happy. Getting to see families interact is such a privilege and we’re grateful we get to be part of these special moments.

We were starting to feel a few raindrops, so we headed back to the safety of the farmhouse. When we planned the shoot, the absolute most important photo to capture was the family of four in front of their new farmhouse. So we made sure now that the kids were warmed up, we would capture this next. When I looked through the photos after the session to post sneak peek, I was thrilled that we were able to capture exactly what she was looking for in several different photos.

Everyone looking and smiling with a beautiful new farmhouse in the background. Just perfect! They are so proud of this new house and rightly so! They will have so many amazing trips to this place and they will get to watch their children grow up and have so many memories in this new home away from home.

The boys sat for a few pictures in between having gummy treats (I mean, I would sit and smile for candy all day!) You can see how close they are. That’s the great thing about children being rather close in age. They get this built in best friend that they get to experience everything new together.

And while little brother needed another break, big brother got to have some mommy and me time. They got into the cutest little tickle fight on the front steps to the farmhouse. These smiles can’t be faked. He loves his mommy and they have such a good time together!

Speaking of real smiles, look at the joy on the baby’s face as dad raises him up and back down. Oh to be a kid again, without a care in the world. And to have this precious time where father and son can bond, away from day to day life.

These little guys have such a spark in their eyes. They will have so much fun here, out in the country. Give them a football or a container to collect bugs in and watch their imagination run wild. The kids kept turning on the charm.

Then it was time for a portrait of grandpa with his pride and joy. Five beautiful grandchildren! And since the four wheeler is a huge part of what this family enjoys when they get to come here, I thought it was only right for it to be in the photo. This family doesn’t just love each other, they know how to have fun, too!

Then it was time for family portraits of the cousins. Plenty more of the real smiles. Absolutely gorgeous family! I’m not sure if anyone here is a professional model, but if not, they really need to consider it. These girls had the whole portrait thing down! Charm for days…

And not just the kids. Check out these portraits of the parents. They say the best gift you can give your children is a loving relationship between their parents. We got a glimpse of that for sure!

With everything that goes with raising children, we have to remember to stop and take time for ourselves as just two people in love. Keep the marriage strong.

We were honored to be able to take these family photos in front of the farmhouse. And we hope this is the beginning of getting to watch these children grow up. Many more memories to come. Thank you to the Broughton families for trusting us. We had a wonderful time!

Love, Kevin and Reneé


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