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Photography Branding Ideas

Photographers are used to being behind the camera, not in front of it. So when we know we want our own photography branding photos, we need to get a picture (no pun intended) of what that might look like. So I compiled five different sessions to give a few ideas for inspiration. Feel free to use these ideas in your own branding session!

1. Headshots

When people think of brand photography, headshots are often the first thing that comes to mind. You can do this with or without your camera. We actually recommend both when taking your photography branding photos. Yes, your camera seems to be a part of you. But it’s not YOU. So remember to take some without your camera as well.

photographer in blue shirt with camera in her hand during photography branding session
Berea photographer in a pink shirt leaning against wall in headshot
Bowling Green photographer posing with her camera
Park City photography branding session in leopard print

2. Show Your Personality in Your Photography Branding Photos

Branding is all about what makes you YOU. So make sure you show your personality in your photos. Are you goofy? That’s fine! Do you love to laugh? Show it! Are you more serious? That’s ok too! Make sure your potential clients get to know you when they look at your photos. The tiny hands prop in the first photos were quite the hit at our session. I was laughing so hard I almost couldn’t breathe. Her seniors will get a kick out of her personality!

Bowling Green photography branding session using tiny hands
photography branding session where photographer is holding on to her hat and laughing
Lexington photographer in her truck with her camera
Bowling Green photographer laughing with mouth wide open
photography branding photo wearing pink heart sunglasses and blowing bubblegum bubble

3. Show Your Products in Your Photography Branding Session

Every photographer is different. Some offer in person sales. Others have packages that come with prints. Still others help you put together an album of your favorites from your session. So in your photography branding session, make sure you show what you offer. After all, you will be using these photos on your website and social media channels to promote the things you offer.

Bowling Green senior photographer looking through album on her photography branding session
Bowling Green photographer displaying prints of a session
photographer looking at swatches to choose album cover
photographer getting prints out of a box
photography branding session with wall art
photographer offering prints to her clients

4. Stock Images for Your Website

Not every photo has to have your face in it. Sometimes you just need a stock image for your website. Go to almost any website and you will see images that have no faces in them. So make sure you get some of these images. Yes, you could just use stock images like everyone else uses, but wouldn’t you like ones that fit into your aesthetic and are unique just to you?

overhead image of photographer surrounded by photos and camera
stock image of photographers' bag and camera
photographer holding a camera with Christmas lights in the background
stock image of photographer's office
camera slung over the back of a photographer
stock image of photo albums in a photography branding session
close up image of tee shirt with photographers' logo on it

5. Full Length Images in Your Photography Branding Session

We see so many close up images when we look at websites and social media. Don’t forget to get full length photos during your photographer branding session. Often these can tell even more of a story than the close up photos. But let your photographer know if you plan to use these just for social media as vertical images get cropped differently on Instagram.

Bowling Green photographer looking over her shoulder with her camera bag
Bowling Green photographer sitting crossed-leg in a chair with her camera
North Carolina photographer in orange pants holding her camera
Bowling Green photographer sitting in a chair on her photography branding session
Lexington photographer sitting on a stool with her camera on her photography branding session
full length photo of photographer sitting at her desk

6. Images with Blank Space

Many times we want to add wording to a photo, whether in a hero image on our website or in Canva for a social media post. But to do that, we have to have blank space to put those words. Make sure to tell your photographer how you plan to use the images so they can create blank space in the correct part of the image.

photographer pointing to a blank space on the wall
closeup of photographer with camera with headshot session info written on the photo
photographer closeup with words on photo for photographer branding session

7. Photos of You Editing

Editing is a very large part of every photographer’s job. So why not get images of you editing during your photography branding session. Admit it, you spend more time here than you do anywhere else, right? Add these to your session for variety. And give your clients a little peek behind the scenes.

photographer sitting comfortably on couch editing on laptop
photographer editing at a coffee shop
Lexington photographer editing on a couch
photographer editing at her desk during a photography branding session
photographer sitting at desk editing
traveling photographer edits in bedroom of her RV

8. Photos of You Working

There’s a lot that goes into photography. Make sure to capture all the different things you do, from planning a session, scheduling dates, photographing, posting to social media…all the things. It will probably feel awkward just pretending to work, but these images usually come out amazing!

photographer working in coffee shop
photographer creating a flat lay
photographer adding to her planner
a photographer behind the lens
photographer working at her desk
photographer putting invitations into flat lay on photography branding session
close up of coffee mug that looks like a camera
photographer looking through her camera outside on photo session
photographer talking on the phone, taken through coffee shop window during her photography branding session

9. Lifestyle

We may be photographers, but we’re also people. Lifestyle images will help your clients get to know the person behind the lens. Do you always have a certain drink in your hand? Show that! Do you love to travel? Let them see that as well! If you have a family, there are ways to show that even if you don’t want photos of your family online. Show the world who you are and what’s important to you. After all, you ARE your brand. Help others feel like they are getting a little sneak peek into your life.

photographer in her truck with camera and a red bull
photographer posing in doorway of her rv
photographer with camera in one hand and a diet coke in the other on her photography branding session
photographer holds a coffee mug with her kids names on it during photography branding session

10. Looking Down at Your Camera

We all look at our cameras dozens of times during a session. Maybe even hundreds. Our clients see this all the time. Why not capture this? This can put their mind at ease that we check our work throughout our session. If you happen to have someone taking behind the scenes, why not get someone to snap a photo when you’re showing the back of your camera to someone. That’s when the real magic happens!

photographer looking down at her camera during photography branding session
photographer in pink shirt looking at the back of her camera
photographer leaning on back of couch looking at the back of her camera
photographer sitting on floor looking at back of camera on her photography branding session

11. You Can Photograph Anything You Want During Your Photography Branding Session!

Do you want to celebrate something? Use confetti or a take a photo of you cheering. Do you want to show that you use flash on your sessions? Take some images holding your flash equipment. Really, the sky is the limit for your photographer branding session. Get as much variety as you can!

photographer sitting behind her laptop on the living room floor
on photography branding session, woman drinking coffee with her hand up to say wait a minute
photographer sitting with her camera and surrounded by prints
photographer blowing confetti on her photography branding session
photographer sitting by window with her camera
photographer holding her flash during photography branding session
photographer looking at camera and laptop
a photographer cheering while holding her camera
photographer standing and holding her laptop
photographer with hat on looking out window

And with that, we wrap up our ideas for a photographer branding session. There are plenty more images in each session, of course, but we hope this gave you some ideas for your next session. If you would like to work with us, we absolutely love helping fellow photographers!


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