We just love the Proctor Family. Last year we got to photograph the adoption of their seventh son. You can read that story here. So this year when Amy contacted us for Bowling Green family portraits, I was excited for another chance to photograph this amazing family! (Funny story: I was actually going to start this blog a different way and then realized I started the last one about their family in the same exact way. Good thing I checked!)

We photographed this family session at Hobson Grove, a popular spot with many photographers. Since the last time I met the Proctors, they’ve added one more member to the family, another beautiful daughter-in-law. And now there are 11. I view it more as a testament to what a great family this is than to our photography skills that we were able to capture this photo in the first two minutes. And this set the stage for a wonderful session for this Bowling Green family.

See the three boys with their arms crossed? A few days ago made six years since all three officially became a part of this family. And we couldn’t imagine it any other way. Watching them all interact, they were definitely meant to be brothers.

Every time we turned around, there was something else going on. From walking on fences to human totem poles, these boys definitely know how to have fun. And that all stems from having parents who know how to have a good time while also making the boys feel safe and loved.

Speaking of loved, just look at how their parents look at each other. Everyone should know what it’s like to be adored like this. Yes, there may be kids to look after but they only have eyes for each other. They are each other’s best friend and partner in life.

Because of the amazing example their parents set, the oldest two boys have now each found a love of their own, someone they can adore. I love seeing how they each have their own unique relationship. It was truly a blessing to witness couples that are so in love.

We next took photos of each of the boys individually. (I’m reserving the photos of Jaxon until the end of the blog since he got his senior portraits during this session.) You know what I love about individual portraits? Everyone deserves their time to shine. And kids, especially kids in a large family (speaking from experience as one of six plus a niece my parents raised), LOVE to be seen as individuals. We each have our own strengths, our own certain something that sets us apart. And that needs to be celebrated.

While they are incredible as individuals, it is evident that they are better together! Watching them walk hand in hand, you could hear their laughter. This is where they belong. This family loves each other and spends as much time as possible together.

As soon as we took this set of photos during our Bowling Green family portraits, we instantly knew they were to be of some of our favorites! You can sense both the closeness and how laid back they are.

We loved seeing the two couples together. You don’t get to choose who your siblings fall in love with. If you can become amazing friends, sisters even, that is priceless!

You can’t fake these smiles! They are truly family now and you can just feel it. When I asked for photos of just girls and just boys, dad spoke up and asked for photos with the girls as well. And this helps us see what this family is all about. They welcome others as family with open arms, just like they’ve always been there.

Little Jase snuck in a kiss on his dad’s cheek right before we were ready for the photo. It’s these in-between moments that show you what a family truly is. And dad’s sense of humor came out before his posed photo with his daughters-in-law. Here are just a few more Bowling Green family portraits we took before we got to the senior pictures:

And now it’s time for Jaxon’s senior portraits. After he is finished with high school, he plans to join the military in June. He only wanted a few photos. But we all know we can’t take just a few photos. And he did an amazing job as you will see:

See? Didn’t he do great? As did the rest of the family. Thank you so much to the Proctor family for giving us the honor of photographing your beautiful family! Until next time…this is your reminder to tell those around you how much you love them. Treat others with kindness and don’t let the little moments pass you by.
Love, Kevin and Renee