Two years ago, we were introduced to Courtney when she got to bring the sweetest baby home from the hospital as her first foster child. Anna Grace was just the sweetest thing and had so much hair! We got to witness her beautiful adoption within the year. We could tell she just belonged in this family. A few months later, a miracle happened. Courtney found out she was pregnant, something she didn’t think possible. And now, this amazing teacher was going to have another little girl to love! The moment we heard the news, we were so excited for her! And we couldn’t wait to meet the newest addition to the family. And we got to do just that during this mommy and me session!

Introducing little Ruthie James! Isn’t she the cutest? When we got there, she was so alert and happy so we started with photos of her right away to capture the adorable faces she was making. At six weeks old, she was already so expressive. And her eyes were so bright!

Big sister happily leaned in and gave her a soft kiss. I was so excited to get this photo because if you know toddlers and newborns, you know that moods change quickly. We weren’t able to get any more of just the two of them, but there was plenty of time for that on future sessions. This one photo captures her tender care for her baby sister. So calm. So sweet. It’s these moments that mommy will look back on as her precious babies grow up.

And just like that, little Ruthie fell asleep. It’s not easy being this cute, you know. You have to take as many naps as possible to keep up! She was so peaceful as she slept in her cozy jammies tied up at the end of her feet.

As she lay sleeping so peacefully, it was time for her first mommy and me photos. Courtney grabbed her tiny little hand and placed the most tender kiss on the crown of her head. She has much less hair than her big sister did, but it’s just perfect for her!

As she quietly slept, we took the time to document how tiny her little hands and feet are. She grabbed on to mommy’s hand even in her sleep. She has quite the grip! And she has long little toes. Even while sleeping, she loves to kick her little feet. After this photo, she woke up and told us she was hungry.

While we were photographing little sister, big sister was giggling as Kevin wrapped her in our reflector like a taco. She would peek out and erupt in laughter. When it was time for little sister to eat, it was Anna Grace’s turn for some individual photos!

In between the running and playing, we were able to capture a few photos of her in her cutest little rocking chair. Someone had made this bunny for her with her initials on it. Such talent! And as for Anna Grace, she is your typical toddler. My mom always said if you could bottle their energy, you would be a millionaire. But we kept up and got some adorable photos.

She literally ran circles around us! I love how easily children can be entertained. And how twirling til you fall over is something amusing. Every time she will fall over, all of us would laugh and she would get up and do it again!

Now as grandma was giving little Ruthie the rest of her bottle, it was time for Anna Grace to get her mommy and me photos! The relationship between these two is just precious! From the moment she brought this little one home from the hospital, caring for her until they could officially become a family, the two of them have been inseparable. She loves playing with mommy’s necklace. And allllllll the cuddles!

Now it was time for Ruthie to get her mommy and me photos! So many sweet moments! She smiled up at her mommy and then fell asleep in her arms. It’s so important to remember these beautiful moments because they go so quickly. It seemed like just yesterday Anna Grace was this tiny. If I had one superpower, I would want to make time go a little more slowly in moments like this!

Normally, I just capture the quiet moments when a baby is sleeping. But when Courtney looked up at me, I knew I had to take this photo! I had never noticed the color of her eyes before, but they are stunning! I know new mothers are often self-conscious, but she looks amazing!

Courtney said one of the things she loves most about this stage in her family is when AG boops Ruthie on the nose. She does it gently and it is so adorable! But I also love how sweetly she looks down at her little sister when Ruthie falls back asleep.

Just so much love in this family! As we wind down the session, I’m so thrilled we could capture these beautiful moments between mother and daughters. These are what life is all about. This is what makes the hard times worth it.

And with these last few images, AG is done. I’m so proud of her because it’s not easy to get a two year old to do what you want them to. But I know she will look back on these memories of her little sister and smile. I foresee the two of them growing up best friends. And they will be able to look back and see where it all started!

Ruthie James was awake again so we switched up the background to her blanket with her name on it. Her little arms were going a mile a minute. It looked like she was dancing. Or celebrating something. Maybe she was. A fantastic first photo session!

And again, all of this cuteness wore her out. Sorry (but not really) if this photo makes you yawn. That just means you have empathy, which is a good thing! Aren’t baby yawns the cutest?!!!

Thank you, Courtney, once again for trusting us with these precious memories! We love watching your little ones grow! Congratulations again on this beautiful new addition to your family!
Love, Kevin and Reneé
How absolutely precious ❤️