Recently, we have been acquainted with the foster and adoption community. This is such a caring, tight-knit group. So many children need loving homes. So getting to see a happy ending, or should I say beginning, was such a treat for us. When we were contacted by a friend of a friend to see if she could surprise an adoptive couple with someone to photograph the adoption day, to many called the “Gotcha Day”, we were thrilled! A little nervous, but excited. We didn’t know what to expect. We’d never been to family court. So we weren’t sure how it was going to go. But we were overjoyed with how everything worked out!

The two littles were happily playing tag around the justice insignia on the floor. I found that so appropriate as these two were finally going to get justice on this gorgeous Kentucky day. After being in the same home pretty much their entire lives, they would legally become part of that family. You could tell that they were so happy. That they had the stability in their lives that so many children need.

The hallways were lined with literally DOZENS of family, friends, social workers and others from the foster community that came to support them on adoption day. When we walked in and saw all of these people, we assumed they were all different cases. But when we found out they were all here to support ONE family, my heart was full. As were my eyes with tears. I had heard that this group of people had a camaraderie, but to see it firsthand was such a blessing! I got to watch as they were given presents and then they cozied up to be read to. Such a sweet moment!

Once the court proceedings started, it all went pretty quickly. But in just these few moments, we were able to see the genuine care these amazing people have for the ones who have stolen their hearts and become, in every sense of the word, their children. The judge was very kind and allowed me to come to the front of the courtroom as Kevin stayed in the front row to capture the looks they gave over their shoulders to the beautiful crowd behind them. In just these few minutes, names were changed and the parents agreed to care for these children as they have for their biological children. Truthfully, I’m not sure how any of my photos of adoption day turned out as I was looking through tears of joy the entire time.

And the best part was when the judge pronounced them officially family. There were kisses and hugs. There was clapping. And there were lots of smiles! The entire courtroom exploded in applause. It was a moment I will not soon forget. So happy for this amazing family on their adoption day!

We took photos with the judge, who was very sweet during the trial. Then we took a portrait of the new family that was now complete. And then we took a few photos of EVERYONE who came to support them. That was a very large group photo, which for privacy reasons I cannot share. But what an amazing memory for this family!

We headed outside where there were hugs and smiles all around. You could see the care that every person there had for these adorable children. Gotcha, indeed! Look how “at home” they look with their parents. Like this is the way it was meant to be all along.

Speaking of “meant to be”, we absolutely loved the sign they brought with them for this special occasion. Jeremiah 29:11 is one of my favorite Scriptures. It says that God has plans for us to be happy. That was very evident on this day. He wants us to have a future and a hope. I’ve always loved this Scripture, but thinking of it in light of foster and adoption gave me new perspective.

Then it was time for a few family photos on the courthouse steps to commemorate this new beginning. The moment their family was officially whole.

There were lots of giggles from the children. And I loved that she would yell out “what?!” every time I would yell her name to try to get her attention. Personality for days! And you could see the care the siblings had for them. It was so heartwarming to see their interactions. Then it was time for just a few of the two of them before they all headed home to start the official celebration of their adoption day.

They were cracking us up so much! I may have broken a pumpkin stem, but shhhh! Haha. The mom joked and asked if that counted as defacing government property. So I carefully rearranged the pumpkins and everything looked good again. Whew!
This was almost two months ago and every time I think about these children, I smile. I know they are safe with a family who loves them very much. This was such a privilege to be a part of this experience. I wish every child could be this happy. If you’re reading this, give your children and extra hug and kiss today. Keep them safe and warm. And this time of year, remember they don’t need more toys. They need you! They themselves are a gift and we need to cherish every moment we have with them because they grow up so fast. And if you want to support the foster community, reach out to them. There is always more work to do and more children who need help.
And as I end many blogs, remember to tell those in your lives how much they mean to you. It only takes a second, but the emotions last a lifetime.
Love, Kevin and Reneé