We have known this family less than six months, but it feels like we have known them forever. They are the kind of people that make you feel at home. Like you’re just hanging out with college buddies. We first met them at the gym in Glasgow, KY, and they both have been incredibly encouraging to us. Every time I thought I couldn’t run any further, I’d hear him say “You’re doing great!” So when given the opportunity to take their winter portraits, we jumped at the chance! It’s our way of repaying the encouragement. That they are doing great as parents. That, despite a tired child, the portrait session is going great. That they will have so many beautiful moments with their children that they can look back on.

After we got a few photos of all three kids together, the baby needed a little break. It’s hard being a baby, you know? Having to be that cute all the time? It’s exhausting haha. So we gave him a chance to relax a bit while I photographed his brother and cousin. And let me tell you, they really turned on the charm! They were trying so hard to be cooperative and there was an almost incessant “cheeeeeeeeeeeese!” But since that usually makes “cheesy” smiles, we tried our hardest to entertain. Worked like a charm 😉

I mean, how precious are they?! They are looking so grown up instead of a couple of three year olds (one is a little less and one is more, but close!) Speaking of close, these two, though they are cousins have always been super close. Having moms that are twins, you know you are going to be together A LOT! After these photos, she was done with her modeling for the day, and we moved on to family photos.

Did I mention we got to take these on a beautiful golf course? Which is very appropriate, since golf was the first thing I knew the dad liked. We only saw each other at the gym, but I heard him mention a golf game pretty much weekly, if not more often. We got to watch the family drive down in a golf cart (after we were brought down to the green first) and hear the kids giggle with glee every corner they went around. And to see the golden retriever happily running alongside. Fun!

They mentioned this golf course in Bowling Green, KY, at least a certain hole, reminded them of Scotland. So it was perfect to see them in plaid for their winter portraits! Watching them walk, the outfits were so well coordinated, I felt like they should be in a catalog. And they had the smiles to match 🙂

Big brother wanted to go “one, two, three, wheeeee!” while they were walking. And the parents didn’t disappoint. Even with repeated cries of “Again!” You can see the sheer joy on his face as he gets hoisted into the air. And baby brother is just as happy to be able to take tiny, wobbly steps as he grasps both mommy and daddy’s hands. How do they grow up so fast?!

At this point, we had gotten several adorable photos of the whole family together, so we decided it was time for the older brother to get to take his break. Mom and dad took turns with the little guy. And he was eating up the attention!

Look at him, holding on to daddy’s jacket, happily claiming him. He may be proud of his daddy, but not nearly as proud as daddy is of him! With his adorable front teeth coming in and that beautiful red hair! I mean, who doesn’t love a little redheaded boy? My mother-in-law will feel this to the core. Thirty nine years later, they are still going to be your little boy.

Ok, this is the moment I will have to hold myself back from crying. There is something special about a mother and a son. And this little man knew it. Every time we tried to take photos of just him, he wanted his mother. He knows he is safe with her. And there is no
where he would rather be than in her loving arms. He’s got one gorgeous mama, I know you will agree, but he makes the cutest accessory you’ve ever seen, don’t you think? He makes her look even better 🙂

Well our session was winding down. Big brother came back from his little break to do a couple photos with the little man. Cheek kisses for days! And he was loving it! He used his brother as a climbing post and they giggled together on the ground. Did they both look at the camera at the same time? Nope. Were they still adorable? Absolutely! Promises of ice cream were paying off! Just a few individual photos and we would be done for the day!

Definitely got the smiles for the individual photos! I think they knew we were almost done. But as you can see, they did amazing! He may have had to hold my phone, but all things for the sake of the photo! So proud of these little guys!

Thank you so much for this opportunity to take winter portraits your beautiful family. It was truly a pleasure! This was such a hard weekend for many in Kentucky, and especially Bowling Green, among other places. It reminded us how important our families are. They are what truly matters. So remember to hug them and kiss them every day. Tell them how much they mean to you. And through all the chaos that is parenthood, realize it is all worth it. This is what life is all about 🙂
Love, Kevin and Reneé