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Mexico Vacation Right After the Proposal

If you have been following our love story since the beginning (if not, you can start here), you know that the next leg of the journey is to Mexico. This was the trip that almost didn’t happen. The H1N1 virus (known as the swine flu) broke out in Mexico. Then in the area we were going to, many reports started to come out of violence towards tourists. Not the way you dream of a beach vacation. We decided to take a chance. At the point the world is in as I write this (during Covid19), it seems kind of crazy. But then, it didn’t. We met Kevin in Houston and together the whole family flew to Acapulco.

on plane ready for mexico

In 2009, one of the biggest songs was “My Love” by Justin Timberlake. It talks about being in love and proposing. He says a ring represents his heart and all he needs is for her to say “I Do”. We have had that song in our heads the whole time we were planning this trip. Kept singing “I can see us holding hands, walking on the beach, our toes in the sand.” This was the main reason Kevin came up to surprise me for the proposal. He said we would’ve gotten to Mexico and been walking on the beach at sunset, hand in hand, and I would’ve said “this would be such a romantic place to propose”. I wouldn’t have said that, but this was definitely a romantic place to be with the one you love.

together in Mexico

I had always had the love of travel. Getting to see the beauty of God’s creation in all different parts of the world. Forests, deserts, mountains, I loved it all! The beach was actually never my choice for vacation but everyone else in my family loved it so much, I just wanted them to be happy. And now I had Kevin, and he absolutely loves the beach. I guess now I liked the beach too.

This resort, The Grand Mayan, was absolutely breathtaking. A little piece of paradise! Quiet, calm, serene. And definitely the most elegant place I had ever stayed. I’m just a small town girl who isn’t fancy in the least. I didn’t deserve to be in a place like this. But I was grateful to be here with the five people in the world I loved the most.

fun in the ocean in Mexico

Since none of us live within 8 hours of the ocean, we spent as much time in the water as we could. On one of the first days, I wore what I thought was the cutest top. What it did was leave me with the craziest tan line I’ve ever had in my life. We wore sunscreen but didn’t reapply nearly enough. I love that Kevin enjoyed taking photos as much as I did. He would stand in the ocean with waves often up to his hips, just so he could get “just the right shot”. And then he does his best Baywatch impression as he runs back to shore.

It’s the simple things in life, but seeing him sitting in the sand, water halfway up his pant leg, sand all up his back, holding his camera just right to try to capture the sunset, it just reaffirmed I had found the perfect guy for me. None of us are perfect, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be perfect for someone. What we lack, they make up. And we do the same for them.

on boardwalk in Mexico

Even as I look back on all these memories, I still don’t know why he chose me. I feel like I definitely got the better end of the deal. But that smile on his face tells me it’s real. I am willing to do the best I can for the rest of my life, just to see that smile. Oh, and see that funky tan line? Just one of my many “what was I thinking?” moments. I’ve definitely made some poor decisions in my life. We all have. But so grateful that my decision to become a family with Kevin was one decision I would make over and over and over. I mean, how cute is he?!!!

cabana in Mexico

We had a pretty amazing view from our balcony. And here’s the best part of the balcony: We could see way out into the ocean. Kevin pointed out something he thought was a whale. Mom got her camcorder out and recorded it for almost a half hour. When it hadn’t moved in a long time, we realized it must have been a giant rock! So that’s one of the highlights of our Mexico trip. Kevin convincing mom to photograph a rock for a half hour. Haha. Live and learn, right?

View from balcony in Acapulco

There was a lazy river that meandered through this entire resort. We spent one afternoon together there. I must have stayed in the same position for way too long because I had the worst burn of my life. It left a mark for over a year! Made sitting down for the rest of the trip a pretty excruciating task. And add that on to the upset stomach I had since day two (thank you Mexico), it wasn’t exactly the way I had planned my vacation. But Kevin was very caring and supportive. A very close friend who would later marry us had told us that you should see what the other person is like when they are sick; that tells you a lot about their character. I am hardly ever sick, but on this trip…mission accomplished.

cliff divers in Mexico

We got to go watch the cliff divers. What an amazing show! They jumped into the water from one side, swam across the tiny channel, and actually climbed up the rocks on the other side before diving off the cliffs at the top. It took a little bit of a drive to get there but I’m so glad we went. Looking at this picture of Kevin, I forgot just how red his hair was!

beach in Mexico

Never has their been a truer statement. But looking at this photo reminds me yet again of the Brad Paisley song “Then”. I thought I loved him then. Back then, cards I wrote to him told him that I couldn’t imagine loving him more than I did at that moment. Falling in love is such an amazing feeling. But the best was yet to come. True love grows the more you get to know one another. And I was up for the task. In a little over four months, we were to be married!

last day in Mexico

It didn’t take very much for him to make me smile. And you know the cool part? I still feel the same way! Thank you so much for reading our Mexico vacation story. Stay tuned for the next part. And in the meantime, take note of all the little things that make you smile. After all, it’s not the few big moments that make up life, it’s the thousands of glorious little ones. Enjoy them! (Read the next part here)

Love, Reneé (and Kevin)


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