Before I share this newborn family session, let me tell a little backstory. I had met this incredible family last year when I photographed an adoption. It was the first time I had ever been in family court and I fell in love with this family. Getting to watch how excited the kids were to be a permanent part of this family was just beautiful. And to see the support of the foster community was very heart warming.
Well now the oldest sibling has started a family of her own, and I was so excited to get to meet the new addition! This baby had just been born at home a week earlier and he had already won the hearts of everyone around him. Now on to the newborn family session:

When we arrived, he still had his eyes open, so we headed out into one of the last really warm fall days for a few family portraits. I think it was a little bright outside for him because he made the cutest little grumpy faces.

A few kisses from mom and dad and he started to get a little happier. Babies thrive on love and you can tell this little man gets his share!

He even gave a few tiny smiles when looking at his parents. At this point, he can’t see very far, but he already knows the voices, the smells, and the touch of his parents. These are the ones who care for and nurture him. The ones he is fortunate enough to get to call mommy and daddy.

After these few quick shots, he decided he was still hungry. We were able to sneak in a few photos of just him and daddy, but by the time it was mommy’s turn, he had fallen fast asleep.

How precious! There is nothing sweeter than getting to cuddle with a sleeping baby. And to know that little one is a part of you is even better. His grandparents are already totally in love with him also, so this guy will get no shortage of snuggles!

While he was still sleeping, we snuck in a few photos on his Moses basket. He looked like such a little man in his blue jean button up shirt and tiny Puma socks. After these, we wanted to get a few of just him without these clothes he would soon grow out of. Just him in his soft, pink baby skin.

Nothing wakes you up more that getting changed out of a button up shirt. But after his tiny nap, it was like he was rejuvenated. He looked right at the camera like he could focus that far and he had been practicing for months!

Just look at that tiny gorgeous face and those still-blue eyes. Posing with his hand up to his chin, staying so still to get that priceless first baby portrait. That’s it. I’m in love. Where can I get one just like him?

For eight days old, he definitely already had a whole array of faces to choose from. Pensive, bored, tired, scheming…he had them all haha.

Babies can look adorable even when they yawn. Sorry if looking at this makes you want to give a little yawn yourself, but I just couldn’t help put this in here. I thought it was precious! After this, he fell back asleep. And that’s ok. Sleeping babies look so angelic.

Is that not the sweetest? I look at this and just feel at total peace. I hope he’s having amazing dreams. But I can tell you one thing, HE is a dream come true for this family. He came a little after his due date, but he was totally worth the wait!

Look how tiny his hands and feet are! Mommy is so in love with all his little parts. Including that cute little nose! Look how tightly he holds on to her hand. One of the best feelings in the whole world!

She just had to sneak in kisses while her little angel slept. A full belly and a full heart kept him content thru almost the entire session. Such a great baby!

While we were approaching the end of his newborn family session, we wrapped him in a blanket made by a dear family member. He just cuddled right in. And those chunky little cheeks!!!

Mommy and daddy can’t take their eyes off this little miracle. And it seems like the feeling is mutual. Watching them gaze at each other was a gift for us. We want every baby in the world to feel this loved.

Safe in mommy’s arms, getting kisses from daddy, it was time to get another nap in. This picture taking business is some hard work for a baby! This brought our session to a close. We were so grateful for the privilege to once again photograph this wonderful family. And this little guy set the bar pretty high for future portraits. I can’t wait to watch him grow and see how his little personality develops.
Thank you, Nelson Family, for allowing us this honor. I’m sure in the last two weeks, he has already changed. Enjoy all the snuggles and kisses you can as he grows.
Love, Kevin and Reneé