We’ve known this family for a little over a year now, introduced through some of our favorite clients. Shortly after we met, we did an event for RNF CrossFit and got to know them even better. Since then, Kevin has had friendly competition with the dad in many workouts. And the energetic, fun little girl and I hit it off right away, always playing some little game at these events. So when they contacted us for family portraits, I couldn’t wait! We settled on backyard photos since this time of year, their yard is brilliant with color! And because home is where we can be the most relaxed. In our element.

We started with some individual portraits to break the ice. I already knew the daughter would love the camera, but I was surprised by how quickly the guys fell into natural smiles. Since it started off so easily, we decided to do a few family ones next. The moment mom and daughter stepped out of the house, they looked gorgeous! And the perfect outfits were chosen for these photos. Mom did a great job coordinating everything!

Then we went on to smaller groups. First just the kids. I like when there is a bit of an age gap between kids. The older may seem a bit annoyed at times by the younger, but you can always tell they would protect their siblings with their life! It was beautiful to watch her giggling between them, knowing these are the guys that are going to keep their sister safe. So much innocence with not a care in the world! And her giggle was so contagious, sometimes we were able to catch the guys at just the right time with the hugest grins on their faces.

I know how not fun taking pics is for teenage boys, so we gave them a bit of a break. Little sis didn’t mind at all being in the spotlight! First she got daddy to twirl her. Pretty appropriate, since she’s into dance. She has so many father daughter dances to look forward to, it’s good to practice now!
Then we let her play just a little in the leaves. We can learn so much from kids. Like the simple joys of playing outside and using our imaginations. Plus, why not? In the next week, all the leaves would be raked up and taken away. Gotta have fun while you have the chance, you know?

Now time for a few of Mom and Dad together. Such an amazing relationship. The way he looks at her! Three kids later and even more in love than at the beginning!

The younger son mentioned that he loved music. I asked if he played. When he said guitar, I HAD to have him play. One thing I enjoy more than anything is watching someone who has a passion for music getting to do what they love. All nerves melt away and it’s just them and their instrument. We weren’t “taking pictures” anymore. Just letting him do what he loves.

After our little impromptu performance, it was time for a few more family groupings. We did mom and daughter as well as father and sons. What a good-looking group, don’t you think? And for some reason, trying to give mommy a kiss on the cheek was just so much to ask. She kept giggling the whole time, which made it even more fun for all of us!

It was such a privilege to take photos for this wonderful family. Don’t tell them, but I think the boys even had an ok time 😉 Or maybe those smiles came from thoughts of hunting this weekend…

So take these moments while you have them. Walk with them, talk with them, teach them, laugh with them, play with them, watch them grow and learn. You won’t regret one moment spent in this meaningful way. Thank you to the Rascoe family for allowing us to capture these memories for you!
Kevin and Renee´