We are all suckers for babies, right? Well I know I sure am! This week I got to photograph the cutest little man for the second time. (You can see his first session here.) He is a country boy through and through. What should we have in these baby portraits? John Deere tractors? Check. Farm animal toys? Check. Cowbell? Check. Sneaky country boy grin? Double check!

I love this age because they are so curious. You could hand them something they’ve seen dozens of times and they have to fully inspect it. He sure did love those tractors, but doesn’t every country boy?
What These Baby Portraits Could Use…Is More Cowbell!

The faces that this little guy makes, they just go straight to my heart! You can’t tell me you didn’t just have the hugest smile on your face looking at these two photos. Best baby portraits ever! And what a little man, sitting up all by himself! Want a few more of his adorable faces? We all need a little more joy in our lives, right? Well, he’s here to help:

I almost feel like he was trying to tell me a story. Then he got tired for a bit, so we took a little break and he fell asleep for maybe five minutes. Looking like a little angel, I was going to take a sleeping photo of him, but he just woke up and rolled onto his belly. I wish I woke up this happy!

I can tell you one thing for sure…this boy LOVES his momma! His eyes were glued to her. She was making him laugh with her fake sneezes. And he was just cracking up! Baby giggles are the best sound in the whole world! And they make for very adorable baby portraits.

And can I just take a second to say how ADORABLE this little outfit is?! When I arrived and saw him wearing this linen shirt with these overalls, I just wanted to squeeze him! Best dressed baby, right here! Buuuuuut he wasn’t overly thrilled with the outfit. He was so glad when it was time for the next part of his photo session. Bath time!
Milk Bath Baby Portraits

Mom added some cutie slices. Pretty appropriate since he’s quite the little cutie himself! And I added some lavender sprigs. He wasn’t sure what to think at first of his milk bath. Maybe we should play with the greenery?

The look on his face, like he just got caught. Haha. Seriously, this face needs to be on billboards. Makes me smile, and I would buy whatever they were selling. Then he discovered the orange slices…

What…is….this?! Do I wash with it? Ohhhhhhh, eat it! Now I got this thing figured out! For a boy who’s teething, he went after these slices like a kid in a candy store. I’m sure it felt good on his gums.

After we took the slices back out of the tub, he just kept making all the faces he is so well known for. Look at this little pout! How could you say no to this face? Love it!

I am not the kind of photographer who wants a smile in every photo. I want to capture who someone really is. And this is Coleson. So many cute faces, I could’ve taken his baby portraits all day! Here are just a few more of his bath time before we got him out:

This boy is a natural! When we took him out of this milk bath, his skin was SO soft. Just like a baby should be. Then it was time to dry off. He was just kicking away, having a good ol’ time.

Until next time Coleson, keep smiling! Your momma gets more and more wrapped around your little finger with every day that goes by!
Love, Kevin and Renee