So here we are two months into dating, and if you’ve read the past blog posts, you know things got serious pretty quickly. (If you didn’t get to read them, you can read the first one here.) I’m on a trip with his family to central Kentucky for a long weekend. I’ve met his memaw, we’ve visited two absolutely beautiful places. And now we get to attend our first religious assembly together.
He proudly takes me around to meet all of his friends, he says to “show you off”. I’ve always been a simple girl, never into fashion or hairstyles or jewelry. But in his eyes, I was worth “showing off”. He was more than I deserved, but somehow, he was mine. He had so many friends, it was hard to remember all of their names, but I tried my best. Looking back, now that I know all of the people behind those names, I’m so glad his friends became my friends. So many amazing people who love God and their families and are just incredible people all the way around.

Two Month Anniversary Private Concert
After the assembly, we went back to our respective cabins to pack up our things and head back to Tompkinsville. He got out the guitar again and started playing. I had already fallen in love with that voice. I could listen to him every day for the rest of my life and it would never be enough. One of the songs he played that night was “Grow Old With You” by Adam Sandler (from the movie Wedding Singer). Absolutely one of my favorites songs.
At one point, somewhere around “I’ll even let you hold the remote control”, I heard a thud and he fell backwards on the bed. I ran to his side to make sure he was ok. He had started crying when he was singing and put the guitar in front of his face so I wouldn’t see him cry (the thud was when the guitar actually hit him in the face, oops…). He said as he was singing the song, he could picture himself growing old with me and his emotions got the best of him. Awwww…. Nice to know with the timing, it wasn’t because I loved watching tv and he didn’t want to share the remote.

Songs on the Car Ride Home
That evening we drove back with two of our friends. We listened to music and sang the whole way home. His rendition of Unanswered Prayers by Garth Brooks was spot on. At one point, the song “Realize” by Colby Caillat came on. In the bridge, she sings “If you meet me halfway, if you would meet me halfway…it’d be the same for you.” Kevin and I love changing the words to songs. So at that part, both of us (unplanned) sang “If you would meet me halfway…we’d be in Columbus” because that was the halfway point from his house to my house in NY. Well now it was MY turn to cry.
I do get emotional at silly things, but I just couldn’t believe I found someone so perfect for me that we would even make up the same fake lyrics as each other. Corny, I know. But like Kate Winslet says in The Holiday, “I like corny. I’m looking for corny in my life.” And now I had found it. We were corny to the core. And that was ok with me.
Two Month Anniversary Date
The next day was the two month anniversary of our first date. Crazy, right? Only two months! He brought me flowers to my grandma’s house before he had to be to work at 6 a.m. (He had been laid off and went back to work for just two weeks before he was laid off again.) During his 30 minute lunch break, we exchanged cards. In his card, he wrote “You and I make the lyrics to every love song a reality.” I wrote in mine “You’re definitely behind every one of my smiles.” See? Corny. Just how I wanted it.
I had always been a sucker for a good romantic comedy, and now I was living one. We went with two of our favorite couples that night to a Greek restaurant in Bowling Green and then to a downtown restaurant for dessert. Kevin usually surprised me with his great sense of style. He asked what I was wearing and I said “a green top”. So he wore a green shirt because he thought we would match. But the shirt said “I used to have a six pack” and had a photo of a plastic six pack ring. You can’t win them all… thus the reason I said I was living a romantic COMEDY.

Already Ready for Marriage
After this long weekend, it was back to New York for me. But this week had solidified in both our minds that we wanted to marry each other. So started the planning. He would ask my grandma for her diamond. And I would start looking at dresses and venues. I had visited him twice even though I worked full-time. It was his turn to come visit me, since he was laid off. And that is where we will pick up the next post. Until next time, have a great day! And if you have someone you love, tell them. You can never say it enough. (Read the next post here)
Renee (and Kevin)