This week, we got to photograph a beautiful family. The kids are very used to a camera, as their mother is also a photographer. A pretty remarkable one at that. But no matter how many photographs you take of your children, it’s always important to be IN the photographs as well. This is why you need family portraits. These are memories our children want to look back on. And so do we. Time goes so fast, and before we know it, they are in school, they are graduating, they are getting married, they are having their own children. We need to make the moments we have with them last as long as we can. And though we cannot stop time, we CAN make the most of the time we have.
It’s important to be there, not just for your children’s first steps, but for their entire youth. Many parents sacrifice time with their children to give them “a better life”. But what children really need, and want, is to have their parents right there beside them. They want to share their laughter. They need someone to comfort them when they take a stumble, to kiss their boo-boos. And they need someone to hold their hand as they take on this journey called life. These three children have parents that do all of that and more. They are not only told they are loved, they can feel it. And you can see it when you watch the family interact.

Family Portraits as Sweet as Honey
Mom and dad, eight years into their marriage, are more in love than ever. They are known in their parts for the amazing honey they sell, rated best in the southeast. The whole family works together in the process, and it has drawn them even closer together. People say you are what you eat. If that’s true, it would definitely explain how sweet this family is. Obviously, they knew we were taking family portraits. But those moments they thought no one was watching, that’s when you saw how genuine it was. Like these beautiful moments between mother and daughter. It doesn’t get much sweeter than this!

The basis for a great family is a great marriage. And these two have it! They take their responsibility of raising a family very seriously. But they also take time to strengthen their relationship with each other.

Let Kids Be Kids
Kids will be kids. And we have to let them be kids. Run, play, enjoy life. These kids had so much energy. That’s what keeps us young. Chasing after little ones. Giggling at all the silliness. Playing games. Taking leaves and throwing them in the air. Not worrying that you stepped in a little mud or have leaves stuck to your clothing or in your hair. Oh that the innocence could last forever…

When you still want to hug your parents. Or crawl all over their lap. Or tackle them. Tickle fights. Use them as a wall to play peek-a-boo behind. Some parents look back and say “those were the days”. But for young parents, these are the days. Days that we have to treasure because they pass us by all too quickly.

Another school year starts. And though it has been an interesting year, to put it mildly, these kids are so glad they got to spend even more time at home with their family. That was the first question I asked when they all piled out of the van. All of the kids agreed that even if they liked school, they have really enjoyed being home.

Here are a few last family photos. I hope you enjoyed looking at them as much as we enjoyed photographing them. Until next time, Simon family. Enjoy every moment!

Love, Kevin and Reneé