I first met Evie four months ago. Then, I could see the love her parents had for her. I got just a tiny glimpse into their world which had completely changed for the better. Nothing would ever be the same now that they had this precious new life to care for. If you missed the post, you can read it here. Walking in for the nursery portraits, I was transported into this beautiful world where Evie was the star.
So much time had gone into getting this place just right for her, from the elegant chandelier that dangled from the ceiling to her name so perfectly placed on the wall above her crib. I knew right then and there, this baby was going to feel secure. Not because of the job her parents had or because of the neighborhood she would grow up in, but because of how much love went into creating this perfect space for her, how much thought was given to what it would take to make her comfortable and happy.

But baby Evie did not only have one generation absolutely smitten with her. Her grandparents were also completely in love with her, even before she was born. She is not the first grandchild on her mother’s side. Actually, she is the fifth. She is not even the first girl. But what she is: their baby’s baby. Just like every parent has a special place in their heart for their first, they also have a spot carved out for their youngest. When they found out their baby was going to have a baby, the joy and the planning began. They helped make this nursery what it is today, home.

The Perfect Outfit for Nursery Portraits
Along with creating the perfect nursery also came the fun of scouring the stores looking for the perfect outfits. When he saw it, Evie’s grandfather, her abuelito, knew he had found it! A fluffy pink tutu embroidered with beautiful white and red flowers. It came with the sweetest pink headband decorated with two large satin pink roses. He could not wait to see her in this most exquisite ensemble he had found!
Mom brought out the outfit during her first portraits, but she was too tiny. The headband fell down her head and she was swimming in the tutu. I thought it best to wait until her six month portraits so she could sit up by herself and show off this beautiful pink tulle in a way that it deserved. So we waited. In the meantime, he would ask every few weeks when he would see photos in this outfit he so carefully selected. Not yet…good things were worth waiting for. She was just learning to smile at three months and after a few photos, she was done. Again he asked, still not yet.
As Evie continued to practice her facial expressions, some of them very meme-worthy, she also was developing her muscles, learning how to hold her head up when she lay on her belly and how to sit up assisted by a chair. The time was getting closer! As she was growing, she was also getting those adorable little rolls on her arms, belly and legs. The little rolls that make everyone who sees her want to just squeeze her. One of the best things about babies, these wonderful little rolls!
Just the Right Size
But we knew that these wonderful little rolls may pose an issue. What if by the time her six month portraits rolled (no pun intended haha) around, she didn’t fit into it anymore! Oh no! What would her grandfather think? He had asked several times and been so patient in the process! We couldn’t let that possibility become a reality so we tried it on her at four and a half months. It was snug. The possibility had become reality. We had to photograph her nursery portraits NOW!
Oh, was it worth the wait! Her eyes had developed that little gleam. She could now lift her head all the way up when she had belly time. Evie could look directly in your eyes and give you that million watt smile. She could tug on the little tutu in a way that made it look like she really was a ballerina holding it just the way the teacher had instructed. And as she tugged on that little tutu, she also tugged on our hearts. And as the little squeals of delight came out of her, you could also hear her mother audibly falling even more in love with her. These photos (while they will be enjoyed by many) are for you, Granddaddy, Abuelito!

Such a Strong Baby!
Oh! And I almost forgot! As we were photographing, momma held her up. Which was quite a fete because Evie, like her parents, has become strong. As she giggled, she would kick her legs. But momma had her. She was safe. Slowly and gently, the way a parent cautiously lets go of their child who is learning to walk, keeping their eye on their precious little one the whole time, momma let go of Evie. And she kept sitting! By herself! Not even five months old! We couldn’t believe it! We also couldn’t believe that we had a camera already pointed towards her so we could capture this momentous event. I knew from the beginning she was exceptional. This was just one more proof. I was so glad I got to be there for that. The following image is the one I got of her sitting all by herself!

Now I leave you with three meme-worthy photos, since that is one of the things this baby has steadily become more and more known for. Notice her pinkie up in the middle one, like she is about to have tea with the queen.

I hope this sweet baby with her beautiful smile and her delicious little rolls brought some joy to your day!
Love, Kevin and Reneé