At Home With You for Engagement Portraits
Driving through the outskirts of Glasgow, KY, through all the twists and turns, over beautiful hills, you come to a charming home tucked into the woods overlooking the lake. Home. The place where you feel safe and loved. This was the perfect place for Presley and Javrie’s engagement portraits. It symbolized everything that they are. They both have strong bonds with their families. And now they have found a new home, with each other. You could just see the comfort and security they felt, just being together.

They met five years ago at a class they took together. A small friendship began. Several years later, they attended the same concert and realized how much they enjoyed each other’s company. When they finally got a chance to really talk, they knew they wanted to be together. She says that loving someone has never come so naturally in her life. And you can see that when you look at them, not just in photographs, but in real life. They genuinely care for each other.

When I look at them together, the song “Perfect” by Ed Sheeran keeps running through my head. “I found a love for me, darlin just dive right in and follow my lead. I found a girl, beautiful and sweet, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me.” So many sweet moments. You can tell he absolutely adores her. And she admires and respects him. They have amazing examples in their parents and grandparents of love that lasts, love that is genuine, love based on Bible principles, love that is able to endure the good times and the bad. They have learned so much from these incredible people and that has shaped them into the individuals and the couple they are today.

Presley says “I look at him and I can’t believe I get to spend forever with this wonderful man! I know what real love looks like now.” Awwwww! That gives me all the feels! There is nothing better than to love and be loved in return.

Their first date was on Presley’s family boat, so it made sense to come back here to where it all started. After going out on Barren River Lake, they just sat on the dock and talked for hours about their lives and what they wanted. From that moment on, they could see their future together.

Since this is where their love story started, Javrie took her down to this dock again when he proposed. He knew how much home and family meant to Presley and knew that here, at her home, was the best place to start a new life with her. “Darling just hold my hand. Be my girl, I’ll be your man. I see my future in your eyes…”

There is a saying, “when you know, you know”. And they just knew. Their wedding in October at the family home will be beautiful. Not because of the dress and the flowers and the decorations, though they will be gorgeous as well. But because there are two people who genuinely love each other and are making a vow to strengthen that love for all eternity.

Hand in hand, they are starting this journey together. We wish them the best. Their laughter when together is contagious. She says “He makes me laugh harder than I’ve ever laughed before.” And you can see that when they’re together. He loves making her laugh. His face just lights up when she does and the bond grows even closer.

Here’s to years of laughter! To marry your best friend, that is something to be treasured. Kevin and I found it eleven years ago and we are so grateful every time we get to see another couple experience it. So happy for you, Presley and Javrie! Thank you for giving us the privilege of capturing your engagement portraits! Enjoy your happily ever after!

Love, Kevin and Reneé