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Thirtieth Anniversary Session on the Farm

When Julie first contacted me for a session, I was so excited! We have photographed a few married couples over the years, but to have an entire hour devoted to just an anniversary session, that was beautiful. No kids, no family photos, just a couple who has been in love for decades. They wanted their anniversary session on their family farm in Burkesville, KY.

husband giving a kiss on wife's forehead

When they filled out the questionnaire before the session, I was already in love with their story. It may have been thirty years ago, but the memories are still fresh! Want to know when their first date was? He was a camp counselor and she was a student. They had to sneak away to have their first long conversation on a rock. And that same week, as she said, they stole their first kiss. She calls it an “illegal kiss” since it broke all the camp rules. Such a fun beginning to their story!

30th anniversary session in Burkesville

So after all these years, we sat them on a rock and had them share another kiss. I thought it was appropriate since that’s where it all began. No, not this rock. Camp is many years in the past, but the feelings are still there. You know when you look at someone and get all giddy? If you can maintain that for over 30 years, you really have something! I had asked Julie what she loved about him? She said “He is the smartest, passionate, most loyal, giving, selfless, dedicated, sweet, empathetic and loving man.” And why is he happy he chose her? “She is very compassionate, caring & amazing with our kids. I’m proud of her servant-hearted spirit and how she is always helping others.” This! This is what true love is all about!

anniversary couple in burkesville

We started off the session by his father’s truck. He restored this truck himself and it brings back many fond memories. It was beautiful to incorporate this into their session. Anytime you have something special or unique, it makes the photo session so much more “you”. So glad we could incorporate this sentimental piece into their session.

husband and wife looking at each other
husband and wife in wedding attire

I was told that Rob merely tolerated photos and that having a real smile didn’t always come naturally. But let me tell you, being at home on his farm and seeing how gorgeous Julie looked, smiles weren’t hard to come by!

taking a stroll on the family farm

Anytime he looked over at her, his face would just beam with love and pride. He may get to look at this beautiful face every day, but he doesn’t take one second of it for granted. Each time, it’s just like looking at his young love, this gift that God gave him.

30th anniversary session

See, no fake smiles here! Look at their eyes. They are so happy and in love. Yes, love takes work, but it is so worth it! They’ve had several challenges in the last few years, but as long as they have God and each other, they can make it through anything!

husband cuddling wife

As we wrapped up by the truck, we could see the rolled hay in the distance. We were standing by the goats and the one cow that thinks it’s a goat. They were all vying for our attention, so that in itself created laughs. Goats are hard to ignore sometimes, but at least they put a smile on our faces!

walking with horse on family farm

Next we decided to take a few with their daughter’s horse. Getting on the horse was a whole fete in itself and I was even more in awe of Julie. She handled it with so much grace! And as I saw Rob leading her along, all I could think of was Princess Bride. With this wreath of flowers on her head and riding on a beautiful horse while the love of her life, her farm boy if you will, led her along. I started the movie quotes. I can’t help it. But isn’t this horse stunning?!

anniversary couple and their horse

For a few laughs, the horse got Rob’s hat. But in all of this “horsing around”, they still couldn’t take their eyes off each other. This anniversary session definitely helped show the love these two still have. They are fully committed to making this the best life possible.

anniversary couple lovingly looking at each other

The sun was starting to get low on the horizon but we still had several more shots we wanted to take. We climbed the hill that overlooked their orchard. So much to be proud of. It’s amazing how this all worked out, how they were led here, how they have the perfect farm to raise their animals in a more relaxed setting.

husband twirling his wife in a white gown

Since she wore a full length gown, we wanted to try a few twirls. And she absolutely nailed it. So much grace and beauty. So elegant! Even though we were on a farm, she could’ve walked down any runway and fit right in!

individual portraits of husband and wife

Rob and Julie are both incredible humans. But you can tell that they are even better together. They work as a team. And they bring out the best in each other.

anniversary couple standing at each others' side

As the setting sun was casting beautiful colors across their faces, the real glow was from the inside out. She very naturally put her head on his shoulder. Like this is where she truly belongs. You could tell it was her comfort, her go-to. He was her home. It doesn’t matter if they were on the west coast or in rural Kentucky, as long as he is there, she is home.

wife sitting on husband's lap during photo session

We were now wrapping things up, just a few more photos. But you could see that the smiles would’ve gone for days. That’s what happens when you’re around someone you love this deeply. Granted, I’m sure Kevin was at this point telling some corny jokes as well. But true joy comes from the inside. And we could see that these two have it!

husband and wife in wedding attire overlooking their farm

We walked over to their pond. We hadn’t had much rain in Kentucky in a few weeks, so it wasn’t as full as it normally was. But it’s still beautiful and serene. And to know this isn’t just vacation, this is where they actually get to live, what an amazing feeling!

husband looking at pocket watch
formal accessories for their anniversary session

And with these photos, it’s time (see what I did there?) to say goodbye. We very much appreciate this amazing couple. It was so peaceful coming to their farm for their anniversary session. It was an honor to see what a good marriage looks like after thirty years. And it was a gift to even get to meet these two. Here is their advice for newer couples: “Never give up and always talk to each other. Be a good listener. Plan monthly dates and yearly getaways. Carry around grace & forgiveness for your spouse, don’t harbor resentment.” Thank you, Rob and Julie for this privilege! Here’s to the next thirty!

Love, Kevin and Reneé


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