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Senior Session in Downtown Glasgow, KY

The school year is wrapping up for 2023 high school seniors. There are so many amazing individuals in our area, each with their own perspectives on life. When I read the questionnaire for this Barren County senior session, I was so impressed. We couldn’t wait to meet her and see what unique images we could create. On the way to the session, we listened to her favorite song Big Cat Judgment Day to get in the right mood for the session. It was so upbeat and catchy, it instantly became a song we would have stuck in our heads for days. It reminded me of songs I listened to in my early 20s, putting a nostalgic smile on my face.

I had high expectations walking up to our session. The moment Ava stepped out of the vehicle, we knew this was going to be amazing. Not only was her hair and makeup spot on, thanks to Glasgow hair and makeup artist Chandler Rigsby, but her personality really shone straight out of the gate. Conversation flowed naturally and we were able to get some incredible shots right away.

senior girl in shorts and green sweater leaning against downtown shop window
senior girl with long brown hair in front of brick building

The camera absolutely loves her. When we go into any type of session, there are usually nerves from all parties involved. We understand that. You’re nervous, we’re nervous. But thankfully the nerves fade very quickly as we meet incredible individuals like Ava and her mother. We started in downtown Glasgow. The sun was shining, the wind was blowing through her hair and everything was coming together perfectly.

senior girl with hair blowing in the wind
classic senior portraits in Glasgow, KY alley

This Barren County senior is so captivating. I almost felt like we were photographing an old Hollywood movie star. Classic. Timeless. I mean, just look at those eyes!

a senior girl in a green sweater posing in front of a brick wall

We also listened to her favorite band, Waterparks, on the way to the senior session. She says that her “out there” personality comes from their lyrics and that the lead singer is her hero. Then we thank him (Awsten Knight) because her personality is pretty amazing.

black and white photos of girl on steps

Next, we moved inside to King’s Cafe. She loves coffee, reading and music. This place seemed the perfect fit for all three! She changed into an adorable shirt with butterfly clasps, which matched her freshly painted nails perfectly.

a senior girl in purple shirt reading in a coffee shop
Barren County girl in a coffee shop
Barren county girl reading a Shakespeare book

This was such a fun part of the session! She was already enjoying herself, but doesn’t coffee make everything better? Coffee and a good book, what could be better than that? There is also a wall of records in this coffee shop, so we decided to take a few with her saxophone.

senior girl with saxophone in front of record wall
girl with saxophone in front of records on the wall

And almost every person on the planet has their phone on them at all times, so we also took a few with coffee in one hand and her phone in the other. She absolutely nailed every photo in the coffee shop. And the props she brought with her made it even better!

senior in purple shirt with coffee in one hand and her phone in the other

Next, we headed to the library. If someone loves to read as much as Ava does, the library seemed like a great choice for her session. One problem… On the way to the library, we got a thunderstorm warning on our phones and the sky opened up. Umbrellas didn’t help because the rain was blowing sideways. So Ava walked in absolutely soaked! But we allowed time for her hair to dry and we all agreed that this gave her a totally different look for the rest of her session. And if anyone can pull off the “literally just went through a storm” edgy vibe, it’s Ava.

a girl in a library checking out some books
in the library in Glasgow, KY

She felt right at home in this place. So many books! So many adventures to come! She is going to UK to be an English major with the goal of being an author and publisher. I have a feeling she’ll be seeing her share of libraries in Lexington.

reading a book on the floor of the library
senior girl with yellow shoes checking out a pile of books from the library

I recently heard the quote “readers are leaders.” Well it looks like we have a future leader on our hands. And a stylish one too! Those shoes!

Barren County senior girl hanging out in the library
in library with book and globe
in library sitting by globe

It was cool that the library had a globe, because when you read, the whole world is opened to you. I can’t wait to see how far this journey takes Ava. She has an amazing presence and such a cool vibe.

It was now time to go to our last location, the high school she has called home for the last several years. The place where she’s made so many memories with her friends from band. We were able to take a few more photos with her saxophone. These may just be some of my favorites from the whole senior session.

black and white image of saxophone

I love that she was open to some cool up-close shots. This instrument has felt like an extension of herself for the past few years and has become part of her identity. Band has been her favorite part of the whole high school experience, so it was fitting that we ended with these. Save the best for last, right?

Barren county senior in her band uniform
posing with her saxophone in front of Barren County High School
girl in her band uniform at BCHS

And so with these photos, the senior session came to an end. To say that we had an incredible time is an understatement. We are so grateful to have amazing clients like Ava. It makes our job so much easier. I can’t believe we actually get to call this a job! Here’s to the end of the high school journey and the beginning of the next one. We wish you nothing but the best!

BCHS band student


Kevin and Reneé


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