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Fitness Coach Branding | Bowling Green, KY

From the moment I met Yvonne, I knew I wanted to take her brand photos. She was so lively and energetic, I had to go introduce myself to her. She told me, however, that she was very awkward in front of the camera. That is a common thing we hear from our clients. Things change, however, once we’re at the session. I can tell you that the branding photos for this fitness coach are anything but awkward. They are everything I dreamt of from that first meeting which happened to be at a Cultivate Networking Event in Bowling Green, KY.

black and white images of fitness coach in workout gear leaning against a wall

This fitness coach told me that her brand colors were black, white and gray. It worked out perfectly to turn several of the photos to black and white. We started in a parking garage in downtown Bowling Green at her suggestion. It was definitely an ideal location for a fitness brand. I remember right after we took these images, I had to show her the back of the camera so she knew how amazing she looked. She gave a surprised “okaaaayyyyy!” as she realized she didn’t look awkward AT ALL.

Bowling Green fitness coach in parking garage overlooking the city
fitness coach deadlifting in parking garage during her brand session

We made sure to get everything we thought she would need both for her website and for her social media to attract her ideal clients. A fitness coach needs to be able to show that they are knowledgeable, and Yvonne did this perfectly. But for you to really trust someone and want to work with them, many times they need to seem approachable too. This was the balance we tried to meet on this session.

brand image of Yvonne in workout sitting on floor leaning against workout box while smiling at camera

I don’t even remember what corny jokes Kevin told on this session, but I do remember they helped put her at ease. It helped all the natural smiles and a few silly giggles come out. This shows the fun side of her. While she will help others get in the best shape of their lives, she will also help them enjoy the process.

confident woman sitting on a wall in parking garage and running fingers through her hair

Next came another of my favorite moments of the session. When she saw these images, she finally saw the strength others see. Here is a strong, confident woman. This fitness coach has had her share of struggles in that area. Now, however, she can be proud of what she has accomplished. Seeing her go from her fear of being awkward to confident was a moment I won’t soon forget.

black and white image of fitness coach with her foot on a barbell

This is my favorite part of our job. Helping others see how incredible they already are. We all have this voice inside of us that likes to pick apart our faults. But when we can see ourselves through someone else’s eyes and finally see all the GOOD things? That, my friend, is a gift. And Yvonne definitely has her share of good. She is going to help so many people and I’m excited to watch her journey.

Yvonne in jeans and black jacket crossing her arms and smiling playfully

Next we headed to an area with a simple white brick wall to take a few headshots and a few personality shots for this fitness coach. And man, did the personality come out! I loved being able to see the fun side! Speaking of fun…look what happened next:

fitness coach doing a handstand in jeans and heels

Not everyone can do a handstand, especially in jeans and heels! She was successful on her first attempt! I love the strength and beauty in that image! And it’s #goals, am I right?

Yvonne in gray tank top and shorts holding on fence and leaning forward to laugh

Next we moved on to a few more workout style images so she would have more variety. Again, I just love the absolute naturalness of her smile here! But she also can pull off the serious look as well! Sometimes I look at these photos and can’t believe we took these! We definitely have the best job ever!

fitness coach demonstrating pushups on a half ball

Next we went to the WKU campus for a little more variety. It’s such a beautiful area and it was the perfect backdrop for some running photos.

Yvonne running on the road at the WKU campus

This was such an amazing branding photo session and we were very grateful for the opportunity! Yvonne is very good at what she does and anyone who has the privilege of working with her will not regret it one bit! I can’t wait to see who all she can help! Here are just a few more images of her session:

close up of Yvonne holding kettlebell


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