When I first met Hannah and her son at an event we were photographing in Glasgow, KY, I immediately noticed how photogenic she was. She says that she is awkward in photos, but that could not be any further from the truth. Even in the midst of exercising, she looked amazing. Fast forward a few weeks and we found out she was pregnant 🙂 We could already tell from just that one encounter that she was an incredible mother, encouraging her almost-teenage son as he completed a difficult partner workout with her. Winter maternity portraits for this incredible woman would be a dream!
We borrowed the dresses from a friend with an amazing fashion sense and we just waited for the snow to stop coming. It’s been an interesting winter in Kentucky, to say the least! Out of many options for locations, we chose her home. It’s the perfect location for her to contemplate all the wonderful things she has ahead of her. A new home that will be renovated by the time little Cason enters the world. A first wedding anniversary that is now just one week away (eeeek! yay!). And watching the man she loves so much become a father to their child together.
When she walked out of the house in that floor length blush dress with her hair and makeup professionally done by a close friend, I could’ve sworn this was a styled shoot and she was a model that had been hired. I am not just being nice when I say I was blown away! She is adorable in just a hat and pigtails, but this day she was even more beautiful than I had anticipated. I love pleasant surprises!
We are grateful that she stepped out of her comfort zone to do these winter maternity portraits. Pretty sure her husband will be grateful too. He gets to see her beauty every day, but to have this sweet time in their lives as she safely carries their precious child memorialized for future generations will be such a nice gift.
This is the time when it is just mom and child. No one else gets to feel such an amazing bond as when you are growing this life inside of you. To feel the kicks. To hear the heartbeat. Such a special time in a woman’s life.
We had a great time, full of laughs. Jokes about cheesy photos we could’ve taken. But in the end, we enjoyed the process of giving her classy, timeless photos that she can pass on from one generation to the next. If you know Hannah, don’t let her convince you that she’s awkward at taking photos. I think the following photos speak for themselves.
Thank you, Hannah (and little Cason) for the privilege you gave us of capturing this beautiful moment in your life. It’s a good reminder to us all to enjoy all the moments, not just the big ones. Because life hands us little miracles every day. We just have to notice them and thank God for them. Enjoy the photos!
Love, Kevin and Reneé