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Veterinarian Brand Session | Tompkinsville, KY

I have been hearing wonderful things about the new veterinarian in town, Creekside Veterinary Clinic, for a few months now! Some of my friends even make the drive over from Glasgow, KY (which has several good vets) because it’s just that good! When we finally got to meet, I could see why everyone loves this place. A veterinarian is someone we must trust because our pets are almost as much of the family as our children are. And for those of us who don’t have children, our pets are everything! We need someone who will treat them kindly, spoil them even.

That’s everything Doc Ashlee, as she’s affectionately know, proved to be! I could see it on her face when we sat down to plan our session. I could hear the passion in her voice as she told me the story about how a news article in 7th grade about a travelling vet in Montana inspired her to take a closer look at veterinary services as a future career. She grew up on a farm in New York (pretty happy to run into fellow New Yorkers!) where her grandfather was a farrier and they were very familiar with veterinary medicine.

Then I heard her empathy for her clients. She wants to educate them, to work within their budget and to meet them where they’re at. She wants people to prevent issues to save money in the long run but also to avoid their pets being in misery. Just as they’ve always said, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. If she can help as many people as possible prevent health problems in the first place, her mission will be accomplished. You can tell she has such a huge heart for humans and animals alike.

But nothing prepared me for how amazingly she and her awesome assistant Jamie interact with animals. You can hear people tell you stories. You can read positive reviews. But to see it in person is a whole other story. She is gentle with the animals but also gets amused easily by all the hilarious things our pets do. Especially when it was time to take care of the baby goats. I think we were all in hysterics when they would scream “ma!” and throw their front legs in the air when she picked them up. But at the same time, she cuddled with every creature she came in contact with. Cats, dogs, rabbits, goats, cows, horses…they all deserved her love.

Even the signs around the office put you in a good mood. I mean, how can you not smile when you see some of these?

Seeing the technical side of things was very impressive to me as well. I was never very a big fan of science in school, but Ashlee was able to make it intriguing to me. From lab work to ultrasounds to seeing what was under the microscope was all very fascinating. Even seeing what all goes into surgery…she is one smart lady and handles all of these responsibilities with the utmost care all while being very personable as well.

We had ourselves a few laughs…because why not? If you love what you do, they say it never feels like work. And you can tell that Ashlee loves what she does.

After we were done at the office, we headed out into the field. Ashlee is also a large animal vet and makes house or farm calls. This was definitely a first for me! I’ve been around these animals often, but since I’ve never owned any, the behind-the-scenes was very eye-opening. So much that a farmer has to keep track of! I’ve always appreciated farmers, but this has given me an even greater respect for them.

We were able to see a bovine ultrasound, deworming, vaccinations, Coggins testing, dental floats and so much more, all with items she keeps in her truck. So many things that all go into one job. Things we never think about unless we require the services. I’m so glad we had a chance to capture these images because I definitely know who I will be using for my pet’s needs, whether preventative or otherwise. Someone who will treat them like one of her own.

One final adventure to the actual creekside, where the practice gets its name.

Until next time, Ashlee and Jamie… We had so much fun with y’all! Thank you so much for the enjoyable time we had. It was amazing to see your heart and spend the day laughing with you, all while helping animals live the best life possible. And to those that brought their animals in for this shoot, thank you so much! We loved your pets!

Love, Kevin and Reneé


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