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Hannah and Corey | Engagement | Buffalo, KY

We have known Hannah for several years now. Have always absolutely loved her and her family. Last year, we had the privilege of photographing her beautiful sister’s engagement and wedding. Hannah was the maid of honor and was absolutely gorgeous. When we found out she was engaged, we were over the moon happy for her! We still hadn’t met her fiancé, but we knew if Hannah picked him, he must be a great guy! When we drove to her parents’ home for our engagement portrait shoot and got to meet the man who stole her heart, our assumptions were confirmed. We could see why she loved Corey and we hit it off right away!

We started out the portrait session by the giant willow in their yard. And we were able to get a few quiet moments together right off the bat. Where you could feel how much he absolutely adores her. And rightly so! She is stunning!

We could see how much she absolutely adored him as well. It was very sweet how she looked at him. If he was around, her focus was on him. This was her person.

When we saw the ring he had picked out for her, we told him he made a great choice! But we could already tell he had great taste because he chose Hannah. He knows how to pick out precious gems.

We had a few funny moments where her dogs took turns trying so hard to be in the photos. But since Hannah and Corey love animals, this just added humor to the session. And there was plenty of humor to be had at this session.

We both love to laugh, so getting to hang with two people who enjoyed the jokes Kevin cracked and would add in a few of their own was totally our idea of a fun evening. I asked how they had gotten so good at their model faces and Corey replied that they had been watching their share of Zoolander. Hahaha, so funny!

It’s so nice to have someone you can laugh with so easily. And someone who you can just be yourself around. We could tell Hannah and Corey were so comfortable with each other. At home in each other’s arms.

We took a walk around the pond in their back yard. On the peaceful bridge, we were able to pause and capture a few more quiet moments. Sometimes when you’re with the one you love, you can just close your eyes and it feels like the rest of the world disappears. But then Kevin would tell a joke and the laughter continued. Giggles erupted from both of them and it was absolutely perfect.

We weren’t kidding when we asked them how they were so good at model faces. I mean, just look at the next few images. We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again. Absolutely stunning!

We finished the session with a few in the rowboat. It didn’t go completely according to plan, but you would never know. They go with the flow and they make the best of any situation.

Whether they were twirling, walking, or just overlooking the pond, they totally nailed their session. See, if you are this in love, it is bound to show in the images. It was our pleasure to photograph something so beautiful. Both the landscape and the relationship are pure joy and beauty. We can’t wait to return here in October for the wedding. It is going to be amazing! Thank you, Hannah and Corey, for trusting us with photographing this beautiful time in your relationship. We hope you enjoy the photos!

If you are still reading, this is your reminder that if you have someone you love: parent, child, husband, wife, sibling, friend or fiancé…make sure you tell them how much you care. And show them. All of these moments go by so quickly, we need to treasure each moment we have with our loved ones.

Love, Kevin and Reneé


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