Renee Back



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Barren County Senior Session | Glasgow, KY

We have been planning this Barren County senior session for a couple months now. And it could not have gone any more perfectly! I would have to say…if we had pictured the ideal senior portrait session, this is exactly what we would have seen in our minds. Good weather, beautiful girl, professional hair and makeup and a great wardrobe. And when we showed up at Beaver Creek Park in Glasgow, KY, we were greeted by a very sweet family. When someone is just as beautiful on the inside as they are on the outside, it makes our job very enjoyable!

She tried to tell us she isn’t good at getting her photos taken, but I think you will quickly see that isn’t true. Every single thing we asked her to do, every single pose was done flawlessly. And just one look at the back of our camera and her mother started crying. Now, I shouldn’t say I like to make people cry. That sounds terrible. But when they are happy tears, I would have to say that’s something I enjoy. I want people to be happy.

Sometimes the tears are bittersweet. How can kids grow up so fast? It seems like just yesterday, they were heading off to kindergarten, and now they are going to be starting their last year of high school! How is that even possible?

They say “don’t blink or you’ll miss it.” And nothing makes a parent realize this faster than seeing their child start to do all the “senior” things. But one thing is for sure, when you raise a daughter this kind, humble and compassionate, you have a lot to be proud of.

We were so grateful that she was able to loosen up quickly for the session. It’s not the easiest being in front of a camera. We know because we just had ours taken this week and it is very nerve-wracking at first! But she looks right at home, like she was born to do this! The wind was blowing in a heat wave, so we were fighting with the wind the whole time. But I think it made for some cute photos with her hair blowing in the breeze.

After we were able to get quite a few amazing pictures at the park, we headed to downtown Glasgow to get a different feel. We were able to get to know her mom a little better as we did these photos, which was great because she is the one who shaped her into who she is today. She says that her mom is her hero because she has taught her so much. I love when girls can have such a good relationship with their mothers. It is a very important bond that needs to be appreciated.

Look at those eyes! Just stunning! They say the eyes are a window to the soul. What a beautiful soul!

After we took these photos, the sun started peeking out of the clouds and the light was perfect! Golden hour is such a magical time for photos! And the pink top that she chose was just stunning against the downtown square.

Time flies when you’re having fun, right? We were having such a good time, things were going quickly and soon the sun was going to set. Just a few more images to go…

Then it was time to head over to Barren County High School so we could do a few in her cheerleading uniform. You could tell this is where she felt at home. At this school. In this outfit. It’s very much a part of who she is. She has worked hard to be here.

So, as the 2023 school year begins in a couple months, we hope this beautiful Barren County senior enjoys every moment of it. Her last high school cheer year. All the amazing memories she will make with her friends. Working her tail off to get ahead on college classes. You deserve the best and we hope that’s what your senior year is for you!

Love, Kevin and Reneé


  1. Sally Back says:

    These are so beautiful ❤️

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