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Constance and Louis | Engagement | Kentucky

This was the first time I have seen Constance and Louis together. I have known Constance for almost eight years now. So many good times to look back on. She is always there with a smile on her face. Her laughter is infectious. And if you mean a lot to her, she lets you know. So when she told me she had gotten engaged, I was over the moon for her. That she found someone who made her want to be an even better person than she already is.

portraits of a lady

This past year has been so difficult with the pandemic and everything that goes with it. But in the midst of all of that, she met the love of her life, Louis. The funny thing is, the first time they met, they didn’t even talk to each other. They were both too shy. But after a few times seeing each other in a group, they finally got up the nerve. And the rest, as they say, is history.

family portraits of Constance and Louis

The Beginning of Constance and Louis

For the past several years, the only man she had eyes for was her son. This three year old is pretty easy to fall in love with and never meets a stranger. He is so full of energy and life. But now he is going to have to share his mommy with someone else. But there is plenty of love to go around. See, the amazing thing about love is that there is no limit. It just grows and grows and there is always room for more. To hear how natural it is when he looks up and calls him “daddy”. Such a sweet sound. And the giggles as he got hoisted up on his shoulders…love it!

constance and louis laughing

The joy overflowed in this session. It was so cold outside, we had to take a break every couple photos. But the little guy was game. He kind of stole the show. And that was ok with everyone. Especially for these two that don’t want to be the center of attention. But his face in the next couple photos…I’m not excited, you’re excited! Haha. Ok…we are all excited!

engagement portraits with Constance and Louis and Jackson

They took a little walk together and it all just looked so natural. Like her new love had been in the family the whole time. This is where he belonged. She had a place in her heart reserved just for him. They just didn’t know it until last year.

walking as a family

The Proposal Story for Constance and Louis

After several months of dating, they each knew they had found their match. So he did all the work of finding just the right ring and planning what would be the perfect proposal for her. She had a not-so-secret Pinterest board, so he already knew the types of rings she liked. But since she is so close to her family, he also involved her sister and mother to make sure it was just right!

constance and louis ring

He did good! What a beautiful and unique ring. His parents were going to meet hers this day, so everything was set in motion for her to hear that question that every girl dreams of being asked. He blindfolded her and her sister and said that he had a surprise for the two of them. Well of course, her sister was in on the plan so she took her blindfold off and started recording as he walked her over to the bridge, the one looking over her parents’ pond. Such a beautiful setting for a proposal! And every time he watches that recording, he can’t help but smile. The moment that would change the rest of their lives!

she said yes, constance and louis

These photos say it all. She said “yes” without any hesitation. She couldn’t wait to spend the rest of her life with him. They are so comfortable with each other. Like together they don’t need to be shy. As long as they have each other, they can face anything. Now they are not just Constance or Louis. They are Constance and Louis!

constance and louis in quiet moments

Quiet Moments

It was nice to see them in their quiet moments. Almost like we didn’t exist. That in the universe, there was just the two of them. When asked about their ideal date, she said “My ideal date is just being with Louis. I used to have in my head what I thought would be my ideal date; but just being with him is honestly my perfect date. We could be doing nothing and I’m just so happy and content.” And you can definitely see that when you look at them. A sense of true contentment. To just be.

constance and louis in love

And so, Constance and Louis, we say congratulations. For not only finding love but for recognizing that it is something to hold on to, to cherish. For years of happiness to come. We can’t wait until the wedding day when you can walk down the aisle and marry the love of your life!

enjoyable engagement portraits

Remember how you feel at this point in your lives. How much love you have. How you would do anything for each other. Looking at each other like you can’t help but be amazed that somehow you wound up with someone that fits you so perfectly. Because right here, that is where you belong. And you always will.

Love, Reneé (and Kevin)


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