We all have a story to tell. Sometimes in the chaos of everyday life, we don't see the beauty that surrounds us. Let us remind you of all the amazing things you have going for you, whether your business is totally killing it or you have a love for the ages. We enjoy not only telling your story with our photos but also with our words. Enjoy the stories of your friends and neighbors! 

Every person and every brand is unique. We love telling your story!

Welcome to our Blog!


A fitness coach who thought she was awkward in photos...until our session. Everything from headshots to fitness poses to position her as an authority in her field but also show her personality.

Bowling Green Fitness Coach Brand Session

featured post


They have wanted a baby for years and now the little miracle is on her way! Maternity portraits on the family farm that means so much to the two of them.


There is nothing like the excitement over a new baby. From the moment a woman finds out she is pregnant, there are so many emotions. Maybe some nerves. But the general feeling is an overwhelming excitement. Life is going to change and a new tiny human to love is going to enter your life soon!


When she walked out of the house in that floor length blush dress with her hair and makeup professionally done by a close friend, I could’ve sworn this was a styled shoot and she was a model that had been hired. I am not just being nice when I say I was blown away!


So this is the family that this sweet baby boy is going to get to be a part of. He is already so loved. Not just by mom and dad. Or big sister. He has a whole community who can’t wait to meet him and love on him. But his sister may be the most eager. Any time we asked if she could go hug her baby brother, she was right at her momma’s belly, pressing her cheek into this beautiful bump that her brother is being carried in. Perfection when it comes to maternity portraits!


Kevin and Reneé Back, Photographers


Photography should be a fun experience where we do all the work. We believe your personality should show through in your images and you should see emotion and connection. We want to help you plan the session of your dreams so you can just show up and enjoy the process and fall in love with your images.

Branding and Portrait Photographers for Authentic, Joyful Souls

MEET Kevin and Reneé

meet the artists

a few things about us

  • We are quick-witted and love making people laugh, even if it takes corny jokes.
  • We've been married 13 years (unless you count the time we pretended to get married at 7 and 9).
  • We think it's fun to change lyrics to songs, and we may just burst out in song during your session.
  • We often speak in movie quotes. It just happens...
  • We are ok feeding our addictions. Coffee for Kevin and chocolate for Reneé.


A lot of time is spent planning a session. 
Grab our free guide with tips and tricks to plan the perfect session!

5 Tips for an Amazing session